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Ecrit le: Samedi 27 Décembre 2014 à 08h59
Expert(e) Groupe: Membres Messages: 3069 Membre n°: 10219 Inscrit le: 30/11/2012 |
Hitachi Engineers confirm Over-Unity Process
Application by Kawai of adroit self-switching of the magnetic path in magnetic motors results in approximately doubling the COP. Modification of an ordinary magnetic engine of COP < 0.5 will not produce COP > 1.0. However, modification of available high efficiency (COP = 0.6 to 0. engines to use the Kawai process does result in engines exhibiting COP = 1.2 to 1.6. Two Kawai-modified Hitachi engines were rigorously tested by Hitachi engineers and produced COP = 1.4 and COP = 1.6 respectively. The Kawai process and several other Japanese overunity systems have been blocked from further development and marketing. The Kawai process can be built directly from the Patent, using high-speed switching (such as very efficient photon-coupled switching). Teruo Kawai, "Motive Power Generating Device," U.S. Patent No. 5,436,518, Jul. 25, 1995. Diagrams Accompanying Kawai's U.S. Patent -------------------- Supplions inlassablement Dieu d’accroître en nous deux vertus : l’amour et la crainte. Car l’amour nous fera courir sur les voies du Seigneur et la crainte nous incitera à regarder où nous posons le pied. L’un nous fera apprécier les réalités du monde pour ce qu’elles sont véritablement, l’autre nous mettra en garde contre toute négligence. Padre PIO |