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> OU cellules solaires surunitaires, nanocristal cop > 1
Ecrit le: Samedi 27 Décembre 2014 à 14h05 Posted since your last visit
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Groupe: Membres
Messages: 3069
Membre n°: 10219
Inscrit le: 30/11/2012

Klimov and his team have produced ultra-tiny nanocrystalline solar cells that freely output far more electrical energy (voltage x current) than the tiny amount of energy that is input via the incident photons. 

Also, the input photons can easily be freely furnished by a tiny bit of photon-emitting materials (such as tourmaline).
This excess output electrical energy is FREELY taken directly from the seething virtual state vacuum, and that has been rigorously proven by Klimov's working models.  Thus the Klimov team has proven and demonstrated practical "free electrical energy from the vacuum" for all time.
Real physical systems have been readily produced, and the process and the entire area has been rigorously validated by two great U.S. national laboratories (LANL and NREL). 
This Klimov work has been openly published thoroughly in the leading physics journals worldwide, and it has also been published thoroughly in the leading nanocrystalline journals worldwide. This has been true for several years now (about four). IT IS ALREADY ACCEPTED AND PROVEN IN PHYSICS AND NANOCRYSTALLINE SCIENCE, AND YET THE POLITICIANS, PUBLIC, AND NEWS MEDIA CONTINUALLY IGNORE IT.

Brody, Herb. Victor Klimov in Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico has constructed a solar cell which can absorb the light of a specific wave length in such a way, that one photon can energize more than one electron. As soon as the electron absorbs a photon, it disappears for a very short moment into the quantum field. Being in the virtual state the electron can borrow energy from the vacuum and thereafter appears again in our reality. Now the electron can energize up to 7 other electrons. This leads to a theoretical coefficient of performance (COP) of 700%. A COP = 200% can be readily achieved and it has been. The experiment has also been replicated successfully by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden Colorado.

[Herb Brody, "Solar Power - Seriously Souped Up." New Scientist, May 27, 2006, p 45].

Supplions inlassablement Dieu d’accroître en nous deux vertus : l’amour et la crainte. Car l’amour nous fera courir sur les voies du Seigneur et la crainte nous incitera à regarder où nous posons le pied. L’un nous fera apprécier les réalités du monde pour ce qu’elles sont véritablement, l’autre nous mettra en garde contre toute négligence.

Padre PIO

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