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> Le monde fondu, armes anciennes ou cata cosmique ?
Ecrit le: Mardi 23 Juin 2015 à 20h07 Posted since your last visit
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Groupe: Membres
Messages: 3069
Membre n°: 10219
Inscrit le: 30/11/2012

Je pencherais plutôt pour un phénomène cosmique dont la chaleur a littéralement liquidé certaines regions de la Terre... à rapprocher d'un des messages codés des monuments anciens pour nous prévenir.

Quand aux autres phénomènes comme des déclenchements de réacteurs nucléaires naturels, pourquoi pas.

Li Hongzi (dans la 1ere conférence du falun dafa) s'appuie aussi sur ces exemples pour justifier le fait que notre civilisation a été précédée de nombreux cycles de création/destruction qui en sont les traces.

Supplions inlassablement Dieu d’accroître en nous deux vertus : l’amour et la crainte. Car l’amour nous fera courir sur les voies du Seigneur et la crainte nous incitera à regarder où nous posons le pied. L’un nous fera apprécier les réalités du monde pour ce qu’elles sont véritablement, l’autre nous mettra en garde contre toute négligence.

Padre PIO

Ecrit le: Mardi 23 Juin 2015 à 21h46 Posted since your last visit
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Groupe: Membres
Messages: 3939
Membre n°: 10047
Inscrit le: 07/11/2011

Subject: Ancient Nuclear Test.
   In my travels looking for the Underground City near Danby, Calif.
I was once on the north side of the Clipper Montains and found a lot
of stones that looked like melted glass. It looked to me like there
had been a war thousands of years ago and the combatants used
some weapons that melted the stone and ground to turn it into glass.
     I then started studing the subject and ran across the following
information; ....Although the modern world did not experience atomic
reactions until the 1940s, there is a startling amount of evidence that
neuclear effects occurred in prehistoric times- i.e., sand metled into
glass in certain desert areas, hill forts with vitrified portions of stone
walls, the remains of ancient cities destroyed by what appears to have
been intense heat.
  Those scientists who have encountered these awe-inspiring  aspects
of prehistory stress the point that they are not referring to catastrophes
that were cause by volcanoes, by lightning, by conflagrations se by
humans, or by crashing comets.
    There are ancient ruins in Arabia that date back to the time when
the southern part of the peninsula was fertile and well-watered. In
western Arabia, there are 28 fields of scorched and shattered stones
that cover as many as 7,000 square miles each. The stones are
sharp-edged, densely grouped, and burned black. They are not volcanic
in origin, but appear to date from the period when Arabia was a lush
and fruitful land that suddenly became scorched into an instant desert.
  Albion W. Hart, one of the first engineers to graduate from Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, was assigned an engineering project in the interior
of Africa. While he and his men were traveling to an almost inaccessible
region, they had first to cross a great expanse of desert.
"At the time he was puzzled and quite unable to explain a large expanse
of greenish glass which covered the sands as far as he could see, writes
Margarethe  Casson in Rocks and Minerals (No. 396, 1972).
"Later on, during his life.. he passed by the White Sands area after the
first atomic explosion there, and he recognized the same type of silica
fusion which he had seen fifty years earlier in the African desert."
  In 1947, the Euphrates valley of southern Iraq, where certain religious
traditions maintain that human life began, exploratory digging unearthed
a layer of fused, green glass before the culture level of ancient Sumer.
Once  again, this fused glass bore a resemblance to the desert floor
at White Sands, New Mexico, after the nuclear blasts melted the
sand and rock.
  The Red Chinese have conducted atomic tests near Lob Nor Lake
in the Gobi Desert, which have left large patches of the area covered
with vitreous sand. But the Gobi has a number of other areas of glassy
sand which have been know for thousands of years.
  In the United States, the Mojave Desert has large, circular or polygonal
areas that are coated with a hard substance very much like opaque
  There are ancient hill forts and towers in Scotland, Ireland, and England
in which the stoneworks have become calcined because of great heat
that has been applied. There is no way that lighning could have cause
such effects.
  Hill forts of the west Atlantic coast fringe, from the Lofoten Islands
off nothern Norway to the Canary Islands off northwest Africa were
destroyed by such intense heat that certain of the piled boulders of
their circular walls have been turned to glass.
End Part 1.
Source of Material: UFO Universe Magazine. Fall 1992. Page 48, written
by Brad Steiger and Sherry Hansen Steiger.
John Winston.
Subject: Ancient Nuclear Blasts. Part 2.
  Here is some more information about evidence of very hot blasts  of energy
in the past.
   ....One of the oldest cities in the world is thought to be Catal Huyuk in
southcentral  Turkey. Paradoxically, the city appeared, according to first
know evidence, to have been fully civilized and then, suddenly, to have died
  Archaeologists excavating portions of Catal Huyuk found thick layers of
burned brick at one of the levels.  The blocks had been fused together by
such intense heat that its effects penetrated to a depth more than a meter
below the level of the floors where it carbonized the earth, the skeletal 
remains of the dead, and the burial gifts that had  been interred with them.
All bacterial decay had been halted by the tremendous heat.
  When a large ziggurat in Babylonia was excavated, it gave the appearance of
having been struck by a terrible fire that had split it down to its
foundation. In other parts of the runs, large sections of brickwork had been
scorched into a vitrified state. Several masses of brickwork had  been
rendered into a completely molten state. Even large boulders found in the
vicinity of the ruins had been vitrified.
  The royal buildings at a north Syrian site had been burned so completely
that the very core of the thick walls had bright red crumbling mud-bricks.
The mud and lime wall plaster had become vitrified and basalt wall slabs
had, in some areasa, actuallly melted.
  Between India's Ganges River and Rajmahal Hills are scorched ruins
containing large masses of stone that  have been fused and hollowed. Certain
travelers who ventured to the heart of the Indian forests have reported
ruins of cities in which the walls have become huge slabs of crystal, due to
some intense heat.
  While exloring Death Valley in 1850, and adventurer, William Walker, claimed
to have come upon the ruins of an ancient city. An end of a large building
within the rubble had had its stones melted and vitrified.
  Today, of course, the area is a sterile disert; but earlier in this article
we have already mentioned the evidence which indicates that Death Valley was
once a tropical paradise, populate by an unknown race of giants.
  This is me JW talking now. While I was in Death Valley in Jan. 1993 I heard
a lecture by the Ranger there and he stated that there was once a lake there
that was about 600 to 700 feet deep, many years ago. Now back to our story.
...Walker stated that the entire region between the Gila and St. John rivers
was spotted with ruins. Each of the ancient settlements had been burned out
and vitrified in part by fire intense enough to have liquefied rock. Paving
blocks and stone houses were split with huge cracks, as if seared by some
monstrous sword of fire.
  The site of Sete Cidades (Seven Cities), Brazil, was first charted in 1928.
The ruins located near the equator in the Province of Piaui, are, according
to some researchers, a monstrous chaos as one might imagine Gomorrah to have
appeared after God's judgment on the ancient city.  The stones are dried
out, destroyed, melted. Although no formal excavation has yet been conducted
at the site, there is no geological explanation to answer how the lumps of
melted rock appeared to dot the surrounding plains.
  In the holy books are lengends of many ancient peoples with innumerable
accounts of wars between the Heavens and the Earth. Cosmic revolutions and
civil wars were said to have rent or split the prehistoric worlds on
serveral occasions. More than one Sodom and Gomorrah exploded so that"..the
smoke rose up like that from a mighty furnace." References to the
destruction of ancient cities by great blasts of neclear-type power and heat
are found in the scriptures of the Hindu and the Hebrew and in the myths of
people as diverse as the American Indian and the African.
  When we were in Peru investigating the massive ruins of such cities as
Sacsahuaman and Machu Piccu and the fascinating villages that dot Lake
Titicaca, certain Shamnans told us that they expect the return of the True
Inkas, the giants of old, to occur in the very near future, quite likely by
the end of this century. We  can only wonder should such an odyssey of  time
and space occor whether the giants of super science in our prehistory will
be favorably impressed with their scattered clony on Earth-Or if we may
anticipate our being the prize in another war of the worlds?
The End.
John Winston.,

Autre lien :

« No matter where you are, Look for the brightest star, Believe it is true, My soul is smiling at you", FastWalkers
Ecrit le: Mardi 23 Juin 2015 à 23h12 Posted since your last visit
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Inscrit le: 30/08/2010

Arf, je parle très mal l'anglais, et les traductions automatique sont a vomir. Ces liens existent-ils en français please ? happy.png
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